Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been injured in any kind of accident, whether it be intentional, negligence, or strict liability, you may start to wonder about your legal rights and options, and where to go from here. Every personal injury claim, regardless of what kind it may be, has the underlying issue of liability and damages. In order to figure out how much compensation you could even potentially receive, you must first understand what kind of case you have. From there, you should contact a personal injury lawyer who can assist you further.
First, Evaluate Your Claim or Issue and Select Your Attorney
Depending on the type of case you may have, certain attorneys may or may not practice the specific law needed to represent you best. To ensure you will receive proper representation, you may want to ask for referrals from friends or family, google search, or look at directories to find attorneys within your area. Once you create a list of attorneys who you believe will represent you sufficiently, make sure to interview them, as compatibility is extremely important within this process. Finally, once you have met with your attorney and discussed your case, signed a retainer agreement, and discussed any other contractual issues which may arise, your attorney can go ahead and file your claim.
Ask Your Attorney
One of the best first steps in trying to find medical resources can be your newfound attorney. While this may seem obvious, there are many law firms which may have special contracts with medical providers they work with that can help you get the medical treatment you need at a discount or that will defer payment until you receive compensation from the party responsible for your injuries. These medical providers may also act as expert witnesses in your trial, so going directly to them for treatment may benefit your case in the long term. If your attorney does not have any contractual agreement with certain providers, they may have a list of doctors for a variety of conditions and treatments they can refer you to. This takes the guessing game out of finding a competent provider who you will feel comfortable with and can enable you to receive the best medical care.
Ask Your Insurance Company
Many insurance companies have lists of certain medical service providers, from psychologists to oncologists, on hand and ready for request. They additionally have lists of facilities in your local area which will accept your insurance when receiving medical treatment. The lists are especially helpful as you are already aware that these specialists already accept your insurance, taking the hassle out of finding a doctor who does, out of the equation. Simply contact your insurance provider by phone or email requesting this list, and they will be happy to send a copy of doctors and medical service providers within your area.
Continued Treatment
It is vital that you continue treatment and that you do not stray away from the treatment plan provided by your doctor. Missing appointments or not taking your health seriously enough could add gaps to your progress, ultimately leading the insurance adjuster for the at-fault party to question your condition and claim it was not severe enough. Continuing treatment until the end of your plan can dramatically improve the outcome of your case, and is one of the most important factors in determining your compensation.
If you’ve been injured due to the actions of another, whether intentionally or due to negligence, a personal injury attorney can advise you of your rights, and help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
Thanks to Eglet Adams for their insight on how to find medical resources as an injured victim in a personal injury claim.