How Is Compensation Determined?

Suffering an injury during an accident leaves victims with many issues that affect them long after the incident. Experienced lawyers that clients rely on know how injuries from car accidents, construction accidents, slip and falls, product defects and other incidents can keep victims from moving forward to achieve complete recovery. Sometimes the injuries they sustain from such accidents are permanent, and they are left with chronic conditions and costly bills. Read below to learn how compensation in a personal injury case is determined. 

Damages You May Recover

As someone who was injured because of a negligent individual, your attorney will fight for you so that you can get the rightful amount for applicable damages. Some of the damages you may be able to receive compensation for in a personal injury claim include:

  • Medical expenses. This includes future treatment and care. 
  • Rehabilitation expenses (ie. physical therapy, assistive devices)
  • Lost earnings
  • Emotional anguish
  • Overall pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment in activities
  • Lowered quality of life

How Is Compensation Awarded in a Personal Injury Case? 

Each insurance company uses their own unique formula to determine the amount of  compensation to give in a settlement for a personal injury claim. Since a specific dollar amount cannot be applied on a person’s subjective experiences, such as suffering caused by an injury or emotional anguish, a formula is used as a starting point to determine what compensation should be owed. Though the formula is one resource insurance adjusters use to calculate compensation, there are other factors involved. 

Key Factors for Determining Compensation

Each personal injury case is unique, so compensation can vary widely. Several primary factors an insurance adjuster may examine include:

  • The severity of the injury
  • The permanence of an injury
  • Estimated recovery period 
  • Evidence in medical report, if any

Insurance companies don’t act in your best interest and may offer you a lower amount than what you are entitled to. It is important not to settle for anything less than what you are owed. With the help of a personal injury lawyer that people trust, like one from The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C., you may be more likely to earn a higher settlement amount. 

It may be in your best interest to work with an experienced lawyer who has handled personal injury claims and recovered compensation for their clients. They will be able to explain more about how compensation is decided in a complex personal injury case. Contact a top lawyer now to schedule a case evaluation.