In certain situations, litigants may have the option of filing their case in either federal or state court due to overlapping jurisdiction. While state court is generally for state law matters, a case may be filed in federal court if it involves federal law, a constitutional issue, or diversity of citizenship with an amount in controversy over $75,000. If given the choice between federal and state court, there are advantages to filing in federal court as a business litigation attorney can share. Below are some reasons why filing in federal court may be advantageous.
Federal Judges’ Expertise
Federal judges often possess significant legal and judicial experience which can be critical in difficult cases. Federal judges have the knowledge, time, and ability to understand and rule on various legal issues. State court judges, on the other hand, often have larger caseloads and fewer resources, which can result in delays, longer wait times for hearings, and less judicial attention to individual cases. This unfortunately means some cases are pushed through the system a little to quickly at the state level.
Procedural Rules And Efficiency
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which are applied in federal cases, provide a standardized approach to litigation. Federal courts also tend to have stricter case management procedures, which often lead to a quicker resolution. Attorneys who understand these procedures can obtain favorable results for their clients. Unlike the uniform Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, state courts operate under their own procedural rules, which usually vary from one county to another. This means your attorney has yet another thing to keep track of which can take focus from your case.
Uniformity In Application Of Law
As our friends at Lanza & Smith, PLC can share, federal courts often provide a more predictable forum for litigants because they apply federal law consistently across jurisdictions. Federal judges, who are appointed for life, tend to be highly qualified with a high level of expertise, thereby reducing the risk of inconsistent or erroneous rulings.
Broader Jury Pools
In federal court, the jurors are selected from a wider geographic area. This can be advantageous in cases where local biases may be at play. A broader jury pool may lead to a more impartial verdict, particularly in high-profile cases. State court juries are drawn from a more localized population which can cause issues particularly in smaller towns.
Nationwide Subpoenas
Federal courts provide litigants with broader subpoena powers, which give litigants the opportunity to depose witnesses and request production of evidence across state lines. This may be particularly useful in cases involving parties, witnesses, or evidence in multiple states. State courts, on the other hand, generally have more restrictive subpoena powers and can make obtaining evidence or compelling testimony from out-of-state witnesses more challenging.
Federal court offers strategic advantages to litigants, especially when an attorney is familiar with its specialized rules and procedures. If you are facing legal issues, contact an attorney near you for help no matter which court your case will appear in.