Divorce Lawyer
If you or a loved one are in need of counsel concerning an impending divorce, contact a divorce lawyer whom clients trust to represent their needs. Attorneys understand there may be a lot of confusion and ambiguity surrounding the divorce process. The following myths and their subsequent truths will hopefully shed some clarity on divorce, and how a divorce lawyer may help.
- It is not necessary for a client to divulge certain aspects of their life and spouse during the divorce process, instead clients should lie to their divorce lawyer to present themselves in the best light. This myth could not be further from the truth, and can ultimately hurt your case. A divorce lawyer is a non-biased, empathetic listener who will not judge what their clients share with them. In fact, the more a client divulges to their divorce lawyer, the better equipped they will be to formulate a plan of action and gather the correct evidence. Clients should not feel embarrassed to share details regarding their divorce, but confident knowing that their divorce lawyer will represent them and their needs to the best of their ability. Confidentiality is very important within the client and attorney relationship and should not be breached. Skilled divorce lawyers such as those from Kempen & Company have the experience needed to not react when their client confides in them, but empathetically listen, and counsel regarding the legal steps towards their divorce.
- Clients should expect their divorce outcome to be the same as their friends or family’s divorce rulings. This myth is clearly false as no two divorce cases are alike, and therefore no two outcomes are quite the same. Divorce involves two unique individuals, and their unique assets, possessions, and children. To assume that your divorce process will be identical to another is naive, and could result in disappointment, loss, and confusion on your part. Divorce lawyers prepare their clients on what to potentially expect, or not expect regarding their divorce outcome. While skilled attorneys will fight for their client’s rights within their cases, they never guarantee a specific outcome to their clients. To promise a prized asset, or favored child custody situation would be unethical and unwise for a divorce lawyer. Instead of focusing on how a friend or relative gained or lost during their divorce, clients should focus on their own case, and be willing to negotiate and settle with their spouse.
- It is unnecessary to listen to your divorce lawyer’s advice regarding your case. While some choose to act on this myth, it could be potentially very detrimental to their divorce case. An attorney has the experience needed to guide their clients through their divorce papers, negotiations, settlements, and the trial if their case comes to that. By rejecting a divorce attorney’s counsel and wisdom, a client may risk jeopardizing their case and desired outcomes. Not only could this hurt their child custody, but could determine how their assets are divided, and other aspects of their divorce.
Clients should trust that their divorce lawyers have their best interest at heart, and are working hard to provide the best representation for them.